


Andrew delaski,617-363-9470

波士顿,马 - 一个联盟集团今天称赞美国能源部的决定接受和执行住宅中央空调的强大新型能源效率标准。

“我们很高兴Doe已决定继续执行这一重要标准,”Andrew Delaski,执行董事,联盟集团,联盟集团。10bet平台手机客户端下载10bet十博是什么公司“这一决定是消费者和环境的伟大胜利。”

这new standard, known as the SEER 13 standard is a 30% increase over the existing SEER 10 standard established in 1987 and which took effect in 1992. Based on analysis of U.S. DOE data by the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE), the new standard will save consumers about $3.4 billion on their electric bills per year by 2020. Since air conditioners are the single largest contributor to power system demand on hot summer days, the standard will reduce the need to expand the power system and generation capacity. ACEEE estimates that between now and 2020 as many as 150 power plants at an average size of 300 megawatts each will be avoided. Running power plants less reduces pollution - as a result of this standard power plant carbon dioxide pollution will be cut by nearly 30 million metric tons per year by 2020.


1月份,联邦上诉法院裁定,2002年颁布的较低标准无效。上个月,空调行业的诉讼诉讼将寻求推翻Seer 13标准。今天的Doe公告意味着政府不会寻求对该标准的任何进一步的法律审查。


